Sunday, March 20, 2011


Bravo! Brava! It's been a long long time since I saw something hopefull in Detroit. My previous writings about Detroit have been about the need for, mostly Black Detroiters, to behave in ways that would bring the city back but I'm back in the city now and can see that the days of Black Detroit are gone. Good bye to bad stewardship.

I heard someone ask, "Shouldn't this statue be of someone relevant to Detroit or Black people?" It actually is. It marks an end to the importance of Black leadership and ideas as prime movers in Detroit. It will stand in stark contrast to years of ineffectual leadership that found no way to get things done.

Imagination Station did in days, what would have taken years to do before in Detroit. They could do it because they recognized, as other people are coming to recognize, that the city is a wide open place. Everything has a chance to flourish here, if you will just think of it. Essentially Black people plowed this city under and left the place laying fallow as they moved relentlessly towards the suburbs.

The ground is prepared and with "Robocop" and the Marche de Nain the first seeds have been sown. Look out world. You don't know it yet but the most interesting American city in recent history is being created.

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