Friday, July 29, 2011

Kim Kardashian's Wedding: A view from the back row - The wedding invitation or how the heck does this work?

Okay, the wedding is going to be on (can't say) in (can't say either). We won't actually know where the thing is in (can't tell) though. We are going go there, hang out and then they are going to tell us where to go to be picked up and we will be delivered to the wedding. I assume this will all be handled through some private security firm, like Blackwater. Can you say, "Drive by shooting."?

This is just the beginning of way too weird. The invitation arrived in a big FedEx box and when I shook it, it felt like a book was in there. Why am I shaking the package? Because I have no sense of occasion. My wife wants to take pictures of herself opening it. Of course, this means she must put on some clothes. Yes, she's getting dressed to open a wedding invitation whilst I take pictures of her while I'm wearing my worn out pajamas.

Wow! First time I've ever seen a wedding invitation that is not only suitable for framing but is framed.

Uh oh! It's black tie and I don't have a tux, more expense unless I can get away with my standard black suit. Hey, I know how to do weddings. Basically, I wear the same suit that I wear to funerals. I just wear a red tie for weddings. It's simple. I've done it a ton of times. Apparently, Uncle Mike is going to have to pick up his game.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kim Kardashian's Wedding: A view from the back row - the background

Okay, I'm just a Black guy from Detroit but guess what? I'm going to Kim Kardashian's wedding. How,  you ask, can this occur. Is it because I write the only blog in the world with Ketosis Prone Type 2 Diabetes as its subject. She is part Armenian after all and they are people subject to this type of diabetes. Does Kim recognize herself in my blog and now, with the help of her impending wedding, wants to give it higher recognition so as to help the thousands of lives at stake?

Who knows this might be the case and I do have an invitation to the wedding even though J-Low doesn't. How'd I swing this? I didn't do one thing. Turns out that my nephew is Kris Humphries. So unless I catch a bit of luck, I'm off to participate in the wedding of the year.

Don't get me wrong, I like my nephew and I wish him well but I would wish him well no matter who he married. I really don't have anything against Kim3, (more about that title later). Her life, however, is used to generate commercial dollars. Virtually everything she does is about revenue. I've got nothing against making a buck but, at a certain point, you can include me out.

This is theatre, a sort of Lady Gaga extravaganza but with bridesmaids. The problem is I wouldn't pay to see it and that's really what this is mostly about. The American eyeball is worth money. The more eyeballs; the more cash you generate. This is celebrity sales and I haven't much found the need to buy any celebrity. For years, I've spent my time in many checkout lines gloating and feeling superior as I saw the mags trumpeting the personal life, real or imagined, of Bragilina, knowing I had no interests, whatsoever. Now, look at me, quickly flipping pages in the aisle trying to suck up the latest on K&K. How the mighty have fallen. Wait till I get my hands on that kid!